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Navigating the Challenges of Cloud Migration and B/OSS Modernization: Shashi Bhagavathula, Brian Cappellani and Rosalind Craven

Gain insights into how cloud migration strategies and the challenges you could be facing in this modernized era.

25 Jul 2024

Navigating the Challenges of Cloud Migration and B/OSS Modernization: Shashi Bhagavathula, Brian Cappellani and Rosalind Craven

  • What experiences and credentials make our experts just the right people to be talking to us about B/OSS modernization and cloud migration?
  • What is different about migrating B/OSS workloads to the cloud – are there particular challenges we don’t find elsewhere?
  • What are people typically trying to achieve through this kind of cloud migration, and can they achieve that through migration alone?
  • What benefits can be expected from a true B/OSS modernization (with migration) - and what is too much to expect?
Shashi Bhagavathula

Shashi Bhagavathula

Telco Consulting Leader


Brian Cappellani

Brian Cappellani

VP, Technology Strategy

Hansen Technologies

Rosalind Craven

Rosalind Craven

Senior Analyst

STL Partners