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How Zain Leverages AI to Enhance Operational Efficiency and Drive Business Success: Ali. K Dashti and John Zhuang

Learn how Innovation and AI helps drive business success

15 Jul 2024

How Zain Leverages AI to Enhance Operational Efficiency and Drive Business Success: Ali. K Dashti and John Zhuang

  • Exploring solutions to enhance network monetization through innovative technologies
  • Highlighting successful offerings with positive market reception
  • Discussing the system architecture and data models that facilitate rapid time-to-market (TTM)
  • Reviewing AI strategies for improved churn prediction accuracy, with a case study from our Iraq subsidiary
  • Detailing the use of TM Forum resources to support essential capabilities
Ali K. Dashti

Ali K. Dashti

Digital Solutions Director




Director of 5G Operation and Digital Service Dept

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd