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5G and network security challenges

Karsten Nohl, Founder and Chief Scientist at Security Research Labs, discusses the vulnerabilities that 5G introduces to networks and advises how operators can address them.

26 Oct 2023

5G and network security challenges

Other industries have taken ten to 15 years to evolve technology architectures that are cloud-based, virtualized and automated, but this is happening as a step change for telcos with the deployment of 5G. Karsten Nohl, Founder and Chief Scientist at Security Research Labs, says vulnerabilities arise from telcos’ lack of experience with using the cloud, virtualization and orchestration to automate very complex infrastructures. He says the silver lining is that other industries have solved these problems and operators can learn from them how to secure their cloud infrastructures.

Karsten Nohl

Karsten Nohl

Founder & Chief Scientist

Security Research Labs

Ed Finegold

Ed Finegold

Contributing Analyst

TM Forum