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Telia notches up transformation success, helped by Open APIs

Telia Company has shared some of the early payoffs from its ambitious digital transformation program, which sets out to fundamentally change the service provider’s structure and operations.

31 Jan 2022
Telia notches up transformation success, helped by Open APIs

Telia notches up transformation success, helped by Open APIs

Telia Company has shared some of the early payoffs from its ambitious digital transformation program, which sets out to fundamentally change the service provider’s structure and operations.

Speaking during the company’s Q4 2021 results call, Dr. Rainer Deutschmann, Senior Vice President, Group Chief Operating Officer, Telia Company, explained how Telia is advancing in harmonizing its approach to products, processes, platforms, partners and people through “several hundred concurrent transformation initiatives, rolling up to a single transformation project”.

The transformation plan was set in motion by Allison Kirkby, who took over as president and CEO of Telia Company in May 2020, with Deutschmann joining her at the Swedish communications service provider in the latter half of 2020. They explained their strategy during TM Forum's Digital Transformation World Series (DTWS).

By the end of 2021, their operational achievements included the retiring of 20% of both legacy products and legacy platforms; a 10% reduction in severe incidents by 10% and a 35% increase in intelligent automation.

The company has also made progress in cloud-based IT standardization, assisted by TM Forum Open APIs.
“For the public cloud, we have increased the share of reuse to 50%,” said Deutschmann. “And it drives standardization of our IT where we are working closely also with TM Forum and we have implemented the first 15% of the TM Forum standard APIs, which makes it much easier to connect ... partner products.”

When it comes to the common scaling of products, meanwhile, Deutschmann reported a 90% reuse of Telia’s common service catalog across markets to deliver a 45% cost reduction and 30% faster time to market.

In addition, Telia Company has succeeded in reducing from 28 to 11 the number systems integrators it works with, with the intention of moving to four by the end of 2022.

So far, all of the changes have helped deliver SEK 0.3bn in savings and Deutschmann confirmed the company is on track to reduce operational expenditure (OPEX) by SEK 2bn 2023 and SEK 4bn by 2025.

Watch Allison Kirkby and Dr. Rainer Deutschmann discussing Telia’s transformation strategy during TM Forum’s DTWS.