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Does a netco need CEM?

Dharmendra MisraDharmendra Misra, Wipro
Arnold BuddenbergArnold Buddenberg
04 Apr 2023
Does a netco need CEM?

Does a netco need CEM?

Netco or network infrastructure operators are the primary providers of connectivity. Some provide raw connectivity, whereas some provide basic services on top. Either way, there is an assumption that Customer Experience Management (CEM) is not required in Netcos. However, the strategic use of CEM goes far beyond end-customer engagement and results in operational efficiency and smarter ways of approaching problems that reduce cost, time, effort while increasing value to the business.

This is because CEM principles form the basis of a cohesive engagement with external stakeholders and deliver a mutually beneficial foundation for a business relationship. When a culture builds up to serve customers better, faster, and smarter, superficially it may seem that CEM is centred around the end customer. However, in reality, if it is done right, CEM has roots very deep into each corner of CSP operations. For these reasons, CEM has a significant and strategic role within Netcos.

Passive infrastructure providers and active communication providers may derive great value by focusing on end-users and business engagement points even if end-customers are not directly interacting with respective businesses. A very simple example may be that when field engineer visits to fix a network issue at any customer premise then the interaction between the engineer and the people on-premise may be solution-centric if basic CEM practice of keeping customer involved, informed, and followed.

Following are few key advantages of adopting strategic CEM initiatives in Connectivity and passive infrastructure providers, namely:

  • Gaining cooperation from society and the end-user
  • Cordial working environment for field engineers
  • Agile, fast, and efficient back-end operations
  • Reduced rework and reduced carbon footprint
  • Inclusive socio-commercial initiatives
  • Financial stability and less threat to outdoor assets
  • Streamlined and efficient partner engagement process
  • Measurable KPIs for accuracy in goal achievements
  • Motivation for innovation and “out of the box” thinking in operational excellence
  • Better insights in business operations

TM Forum’s (TMF) CEM project has developed assets like Inward-out and Outward-in process elements, ODA based ODE (Object Driven Experience), ODE based Metrics & KPIs. These assets can be used by Netcos to adopt strategic CEM concept. TMF CEM project is further engaged in developing assets that will bring out more value to mainstream CSPs, DSPs and Netcos.