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Enabling the networks & services of tomorrow using AI closed loop automation

Learn how TM Forum, with its members, has developed an AI Closed Loop Automation Reference Architecture as well as process flows around key use cases.

Arti Mehta
07 Apr 2021
1 hr
Enabling the networks & services of tomorrow using AI closed loop automation

Enabling the networks & services of tomorrow using AI closed loop automation

The network and service operations of the future cannot continue to operate with the current traditional approach, especially with the virtualization and dynamic nature of the network with virtual network functions (VNFs), cloud-native network functions (CNFs) and software-defined networking (SDN). The rate at which these virtual networks can scale up/down, the exponential growth of the data and events produced by the network (both physical and virtual) and the associated complexity requires a solution that can detect anomalous patterns in real time. In addition to this, they also need to continue to learn and improve over the lifecycle of the solution. Service providers need solutions that can automate the majority of their operations, reduce human error, improve operational efficiency, and help deliver innovative, uninterrupted superior quality services to their consumers. Join this Global Architecture Forum webinar to learn how TM Forum, with its members, has developed an AI Closed Loop Automation Reference Architecture as well as process flows around key use cases, including alert correlation for operations, systems performance prediction and traffic flow optimization. Aaron Boasman-Patel of TM Forum will be joined by leading key industry figures including Airtel’s Vikrant Bhargava, IBM’s Mathews Thomas and Satish Sadagopan and Huawei’s Emmanuel Otchere.

Aaron Boasman-Patel

Aaron Boasman-Patel

Vice President, AI, Labs & Innovation

TM Forum

Emmanuel A. Otchere

Emmanuel A. Otchere

Chief Technical Expert & VP Standards & Industry

Mathews Thomas

Mathews Thomas

Executive Architect


Satish Sadagopan

Satish Sadagopan

Associate Partner


Vikrant Bhargava

Vikrant Bhargava

Deputy General Manager

Bharti Airtel