Can AI revitalize telco services?
The CEOs of TM Forum and Prodapt discuss how AI is impacting telco business models.
Nik Willetts, CEO, TM Forum joined Prodapt’s Manish Vyas, MD & CEO, at a recent event in London to discuss how AI-driven disruption is unfolding in the telecoms industry and share thoughts on how CSPs can embrace AI as an agent of positive change to revitalize services rather than simply ‘bolting on’ AI to traditional telco business models.
As AI drives transformation of networks and services, it also brings challenges in terms of integration into existing network infrastructure and operations, in scaling and evolving AI utilisation, and aligning AI investment with strategic priorities. Nik Willetts discusses how industry collaboration is vital for progress in the AI era and is central to the activities of TM Forum.
Watch this video to hear more about what AI and GenAI means for CSPs and their customers in terms of connectivity, value-added services and experience, and how AI can unlock innovation and value creation, and ultimately, drive revenue growth.

Manish Vyas
MD and CEO

Nik Willetts
President & CEO
TM Forum