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Bringing the cloud native network to life to deliver agility and scale: Anil Pawar, Ian Turkington and Jason Rutherford

Anil Pawar, SVP, Head Of Architecture and Tech Strategy of Rakuten Mobile, Ian Turkington, VP Architecture & APIs of TM Forum and Jason Rutherford, GM&SVP of Oracle Corporation talk about bringing the cloud native network to life to deliver agility and scale

20 Sep 2023

Bringing the cloud native network to life to deliver agility and scale: Anil Pawar, Ian Turkington and Jason Rutherford

FIRESIDE CHAT: Bringing the cloud native network to life to deliver agility and scale

  • How are you applying the principles of cloud native architecture to your mobile network?
  • How is Cloud transforming your economics on Capex and Opex?
  • Why is cloud-native transformation more than technology change?
  • How to deploy Open RAN in greenfield/brownfield networks and how does the economics stack up?
  • Why robust vendor partnerships are critical for cloud native success?
Anil Pawar

Anil Pawar

SVP, Head Of Architecture and Tech Strategy

Rakuten Mobile

Ian Turkington

Ian Turkington

VP Architecture and APIs

TM Forum

Jason Rutherford

Jason Rutherford


Oracle Corporation