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Is BSS ready to monetize enterprise 5G?

We analyse how telcos can transform their business support systems to monetize enterprise 5G services, and explore key future capabilities and revenue models.

Ed FinegoldEd Finegold
11 Oct 2021
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Is BSS ready to monetize enterprise 5G?

Is BSS ready to monetize enterprise 5G?

Few market observers doubt that an enterprise 5G market will emerge with the deployment of standalone 5G, and some believe it could grow explosively. However, there are doubts about whether communications service providers (CSPs) will lead it. Some Wall Street analysts are actively questioning CSP’s 5G strategies, but many mobile operators see it as an important part of their revenue growth plans. This is shining a spotlight on telcos’ business support systems (BSS), many of which are not capable of monetizing 5G. This report draws on a recent TM Forum Benchmark survey, using a subset of the data consisting of respondents who are responsible for BSS and related processes and are employed directly by CSPs. Results analyzed in this report include responses from 173 people working inside 61 CSPs worldwide. The survey included questions about the importance of 5G to telcos’ revenue growth strategies and how ready they believe their BSS environments are to support enterprise 5G service plans. We also asked which BSS capabilities they need most urgently. Read this report to understand:

  • Which B2B markets CSPs are targeting and how this impacts their BSS priorities
  • Which revenue models CSPs find best for 5G in different industry verticals
  • What enterprise 5G-ready BSS includes and how it differs from traditional BSS
  • Which BSS capabilities CSPs say are most urgent to support the 5G B2B services they plan to sell.