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Future OSS: Towards an open digital architecture

Operational support systems (OSS) are evolving to meet new network technologies and infrastructure such as cloud and 5G, but operators face challenges ahead.

11 Nov 2019
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Future OSS: Towards an open digital architecture

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Future OSS: Towards an open digital architecture

This report begins with the widely accepted premise that supporting networks, services and operations must change radically to keep pace with the upheavals in network technology and business models, to say nothing of customers’ expectations. It also acknowledges that by the time CSPs reach the end of their latest phase of transformation, there may be no such thing as OSS. Through the lens of existing OSS, the CSPs and other industry experts we surveyed and interviewed paint a picture that can only be described as dubious. While operators believe the prize for a successful journey will be great, there are simply too many possibilities for them to say with certainty what future OSS will be. Read this report to understand:

  • Why the thinning line between OSS and BSS (business support systems) must be fully erased
  • Which attributes are necessary in future OSS and the options for implementing them
  • Why a new, open architecture is needed to deliver the agility and security CSPs require, and how TM Forum members are collaborating to create it
  • What the biggest challenges are to implementing future OSS
  • Why CSPs have mixed feelings about cloud-based OSS
  • The role analytics play in future OSS
  • The timeline for future OSS