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Transforming customer interaction and experience with Generative AI

05 Feb 2024
Transforming customer interaction and experience with Generative AI

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Transforming customer interaction and experience with Generative AI

The rapidly developing field of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has tremendous potential for transforming the telecommunications industry. Telecom companies may improve customer experiences, increase network performance, while opening new revenue streams by utilising the power of generative AI. GenAI in customer experience (CX) makes it possible to create relevant, human-like dialogues with each customer interaction, customised to individual requirements. GenAI has the potential to boost sales, streamline operations, and have an impact on several key performance indicators (KPIs), including revenue, expenses, and customer satisfaction.

While telecom firms have not always been among the first to adopt new technologies, in order to speed up the transformation of enterprises, CSPs are increasingly demonstrating a great lot of interest in AI and machine learning. Although AI has applications in many areas of a CSP's operations, it is at times unclear where those applications will make the greatest impact.

Shaping the Future of Telecom: How AI and Generative Models Are Changing the Game

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CSPs are in a critical position as industries throughout the world experience transformations. Artificial intelligence being incorporated into telecom operations is leading to ground-breaking innovations, especially with the advent of generative AI.

What sets GenAI apart from other forms of AI is its deliverables, or output - text, images, audio, or video. It has an impact as a tool to help teams and individuals’ complete tasks more quickly. Co-pilots or conversational interfaces can leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) to assist users in a variety of tasks and decision-making processes, and Chatbots are used as an interface to allow users to communicate with GenAI models. For example, Microsoft 365 Co-pilot is a product designed with GPT-4 LLMs that assists users in using the company's applications to complete tasks like drafting document and summarising emails.

The Role of LLMs and GANs in Enhancing Consumer Experience

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There is an immense impact of large language models (LLMs) on AI. Since they can interpret linguistic patterns and connections, they are able to imitate human conversational interactions and utilise vast information to generate content. Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), two examples of generative AI models, are essential for improving consumer engagement and experience.

GANs enable the creation of new customer journeys and synthetic customers for testing purposes, resulting in improved service and product scenarios. LLMs also help create personalised customer service and engagement by drawing insightful conclusions from unstructured customer data, contact centre transcriptions, and chatbot conversations. These models are more flexible and scalable when they leverage cloud technology. Furthermore, cloud providers who provide Generative AI models as a service via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) make it easier for customers' applications to integrate seamlessly, which improves their overall experience.

The most widely used LLMs nowadays are Gpt-3.5, Gpt-4, PaLM 2, Claude V1, Cohere, Falcon, and LLaMA; each has pros and cons of its own. For instance, Gpt-4 can perform sophisticated coding, comprehend complex thinking, and possess abilities that are comparable to those of a human. The fastest AI system is Gpt-3.5; PaLM 2 is an expert in reasoning; Claude V1 can assist in creating effective AI assistants; Cohere is beneficial for generating AI use cases; Falcon is intended for commercial use; and LLaMA is the most effective for fine-tuning.

GenAI and Open APIs: Harnessing the Potential of APIs for Enhanced Business Functions

APIs support smooth integration, serving as a link between business systems and AI models. APIs distribute workloads, enable parallel processing, and optimise model training across clusters of GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) or TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) in the context of computationally expensive GenAI applications. This implies that with thoughtful API design, generative AI can be used in a scalable, controlled manner across a range of business functions.

In order to detect, diagnose, and repair network performance issues, CSPs are increasingly turning to AI in order to reach the level of network intelligence required in the 5G future. Building on Open APIs, GenAI allows intelligent closed-loop automation to build and maintain a network with advanced self-cognition capabilities. The solution can offer a number of significant savings, including lowering 5G network operations and expenses, in addition to improving the intelligence and efficiency of network operations.

Clearly, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a major topic of conversation when it comes to CX. AI transformation is taking over, where the still-developing digital transformation leaves off. Through big data analysis, generative AI facilitates ideation, concept development, and prototyping, allowing for the faster and more efficient product development. Large Language Models (LLMs) empower the telecom industry with human-like capabilities that enable them to automate many time-consuming tasks, freeing up resources for important initiatives that drive growth and improve customer interactions. The pace of change will only increase with AI's potential being used to enhance customer experience.

Catch us for Humanising AI session, Hall 5 – 5F81, MWC Barcelona 2024

Here’s Generative AI webinar to delve into actionable measures that CSPs can take now to enhance their chances of leveraging Generative AI for enhanced business performance – https://info.tmforum.org/webinar-generativeAI-in-telecoms-how-can-csps-take-advantage.html?_gl=1*1kitvn8*_ga*MTE1NjQzMzg4Ny4xNjY5MDMyNjUx*_ga_W21R8NVK4E*MTcwNjYwMTY1Ni4xNzQuMS4xNzA2NjIwNTU2LjAuMC4w*_ga_KQXXW9EY6Y*MTcwNjYyMDU1Ni4yNzAuMC4xNzA2NjIwNTU2LjAuMC4w