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Article | Open APIs

My API Story: Rapidly generating software components

'We’ve seen a 70% reduction in development, implementation, and documentation times compared to previous product rollout cycles.' - Roy Kucukates, Director of Product Management, LotusFlare

Ailis Claassen
01 Feb 2024
My API Story: Rapidly generating software components

My API Story: Rapidly generating software components


Tell us about yourself and your job

As the Director of Product Management at LotusFlare and a certified business architect and enterprise architect, I lead the product management team dedicated to advancing LotusFlare DNO Cloud, our cloud-native commerce and monetization managed service. Our focus is on improving its capabilities to help CSPs to deliver valuable business outcomes to their customers.

Why do you believe in TM Forum’s Open API program?

At LotusFlare, our core philosophy revolves around the simplification of user experiences through technology. TM Forum’s Open APIs align with this philosophy, helping us to realize this approach as we advance LotusFlare DNO Cloud. It is this synergy that fuels our strong support and contributions to the Open API program.

What TM Forum Open APIs are most valuable to your company?

LotusFlare has undertaken a staged transformation of the LotusFlare DNO Cloud, aligning it to TM Forum’s Open APIs and Open Digital Architecture (ODA). Our team has utilized many of the published APIs, including:

● Account Management

● Customer Bill Management

● Customer Management

● Digital Identity Management

● Party Management

● Party Role Management

● Payment Management

● Payment Method Management

● Product Catalog Management

● Product Configuration Management

● Product Inventory Management

● Product Offering Qualification Management

● Product Ordering Management

● Quote Management

● Shopping Cart Management

● User Role Permission Management

Where do you use these APIs? We are using TM Forum Open APIs on the next release of LotusFlare DNO Cloud, which will be made available to existing and new customers worldwide.

Why did you choose to highlight these APIs?

LotusFlare DNO Cloud has implemented a framework that generates API source code and business logic, running as a cloud application with our low code – no code framework. Leveraging the Swagger files provided by TM Forum, our engineering team can rapidly generate software components. By adhering to ODA specifications and using TM Forum’s Open APIs, LotusFlare DNO Cloud software components can be deployed and implemented quickly. Moreover, these APIs are helping us simplify architecture and support interoperability with other vendor’s products and existing ecosystems.

How do you use these APIs?

We utilize Swagger files to rapidly generate Open API source code, before we integrate business logic through a low code – no code framework using customizable workflows. Finally, our team uses the conformance guidelines documentation to generate test cases for our APIs.

By using all available machine-readable documentation, our team can build software in an automated way. This approach, combining code generation and the reuse of existing documentation, has resulted in a remarkable reduction of approximately 70% in development, implementation, and documentation times compared to previous product rollout cycles.

How have you benefited from using these APIs?

LotusFlare has benefited from the APIs in 3 ways:

● Streamlined Business Analysis: By using API specifications as requirements, we have significantly reduced the efforts and time invested in the business analysis phase. The documentation and specifications of the APIs are helping us to understand industry demands.

● Accelerated Development: Using Swagger files to generate source code has reduced development time and minimized software bugs.

● Ensuring conformance and reliability: Leveraging conformance test kits has helped to compose our automated test cases. This approach ensures that every introduced feature aligns with Open API standards.