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How does the telco-to-techco transformation impact culture and skills?

Can the telecoms industry find new and creative ways to address people-related risks and challenges?

Dawn BushausDawn Bushaus
11 Jan 2024
How does the telco-to-techco transformation impact culture and skills?

How does the telco-to-techco transformation impact culture and skills?

New research from consultancy EY finds that talent management is a critical people-related risk cited by employers in the telecoms industry. Retaining talented employees, attracting new ones and developing next-generation talent all ranked in the top five challenges in a survey EY conducted during the summer of 2023.

But the same survey found that 55% of telecoms employers are freezing hiring, which is nearly double the proportion across all sectors. Telcos are also reducing salaries and benefits – all while still being expected to make the transition from telco to techco.

In an effort to help communications service providers (CSPs) navigate this quandary, TM Forum is conducting research to identify the most difficult obstacles CSPs face in the transition to techco and how to address them. Our past research has found that changing culture that has developed over more than a hundred years and finding and retaining the necessary skills to transition to cloud-native, AI-based networks and IT are the toughest challenges – far more difficult than deploying new technology.

We expect this survey to reinforce past findings, but we also believe we will uncover new and creative ways to address people-related risks and challenges. Our survey of CSPs asks questions about how the telco workforce is changing, which skills operators are insourcing and why, and how reskilling, upskilling and training programs can help operators navigate the challenging macroeconomic environment.

Please note that all survey results will remain anonymous and are presented in aggregate only. If you are interested in participating in a follow-up interview, you will have an opportunity to indicate this during the survey.

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