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Turning (too much) data from a challenge to an opportunity

Tired of data drowning your network? But what if you could harness the power of your data and turn it into a competitive advantage ... join our webinar and discover how CSPs can conquer the data deluge.

09 Jul 2024
15:00 - 16:00
Turning (too much) data from a challenge to an opportunity

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Turning (too much) data from a challenge to an opportunity

In the dynamic world of communication service providers (CSPs), the sheer volume and diversity of data flowing across their networks pose significant hurdles.

However, unlocking the true potential of data is not just a challenge, it's also an opportunity.

Join our webinar as we assess how CSPs can navigate data challenges and position themselves to take advantage of high-quality data to generate efficiencies, improve services and enhance customer experience.

  • Strategies for navigating the complexities of data management in CSP environments
  • Insights into data types, visibility enhancement, and effective management models
  • Actionable tactics for leveraging enriched data to create unparalleled customer experiences
  • Real-world examples showcasing the impact of data-driven approaches in the CSP landscape
  • Why is data and visibility a challenge: legacy, compliance, organisational and structural challenges
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Matt Olson

Matt Olson

Industry Advisor, Telecommunications & Media


Richard Webb

Richard Webb

Senior Analyst, Research & Media

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