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Reimagining operations monetization with digital business architectures

30 Nov 2023
1 hr
Reimagining operations monetization with digital business architectures

Sponsored by:

MATRIXX Software

Reimagining operations monetization with digital business architectures

Many APAC telcos are entangled in the complexities of legacy BSS!

Join our webinar to explore how digital business architectures (DBA) is a potential antidote to outdated siloed systems and architectures. It helps remove barriers to growth, streamline telco operations, solve the integration dilemma, and reduce the complexity of maintaining and integrating separate systems.

Join us to learn:

  • Accelerate market innovation

Discover the evolutionary path from traditional BSS to DBA and harness its potential to drive rapid innovation in a fast-paced digital era.

  • Enhance customer experience

Gain detailed insights into how DBA transforms customer interactions, fostering satisfaction and loyalty that set your telco apart.

  • Reduce costs. Elevate efficiency

Uncover how DBA’s integration prowess leads to a reduction in call center complaints and the associated costs of legacy billing systems.

  • Optimize internal operations

Learn how a strategic DBA approach can overhaul APAC CSPs' internal service operations, unlocking newfound efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Exclusive case studies

Delve into the specifics of a groundbreaking digital monetization proof-of-concept. Get the inside scoop straight from the APAC operator themselves.

Luis Coelho

Luis Coelho

Head of Hyper-Personalisation


Chris Gibson

Chris Gibson

VP of Product

MATRIXX Software

Dean Ramsay

Dean Ramsay

Principal Analyst, Head of Research and Media

TM Forum