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Hard Talk: Will telcos ever be able to attract developers?

Operators face a critical decision: Should they attract developers directly or collaborate with technology partners' communities?

20 Mar 2024
1 hr
Hard Talk: Will telcos ever be able to attract developers?

Hard Talk: Will telcos ever be able to attract developers?

Telecom operators have long harbored aspirations of engaging software developers to propel innovation within their networks.

With the advent of Network as a Service (NaaS) and the proliferation of open network APIs, this objective has now surged to the forefront of their strategic agendas.

These developments have redefined the telco landscape, presenting an opportunity for operators to harness the potential of external developers in driving transformative change.

As operators embark on this journey, they are faced with a pivotal decision:

Should they focus on directly attracting developers to their platforms, or would it be more effective to collaborate with the established developer communities of their technology partners?

Join this Hard Talk as we unlock telecom innovation with the Open Gateway initiative, shaping a future of collaboration, agility, and transformative growth.

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Saad Syed

Saad Syed

Chief Executive Officer - Chenosis

MTN Group

Peter Arbitter

Peter Arbitter

Senior Vice President of MagentaBusiness API (MACE)

Deutsche Telekom

Mark Newman

Mark Newman

Chief Analyst

TM Forum