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Digital Transformation Tracker 7: cutting complexity with automation and AI

We unveil the findings of our 7th Digital Transformation Tracker that has surveyed CSPs and their suppliers on IT operations and network transformation.

11 Jul 2023
1 hr
Digital Transformation Tracker 7: cutting complexity with automation and AI

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Digital Transformation Tracker 7: cutting complexity with automation and AI

Simplifying IT operations has been a long-standing goal for communications service providers (CSPs). With a focus on improving customer experience, reducing costs, and accelerating time to revenue, CSPs have recognized the need for change. They are now leveraging their knowledge to transform networks and capitalize on their substantial investments in 5G. This paves the way for a significant advancement in intent-based management and AI.

Reducing complexity across the business is key to helping operators address the myriad challenges they are facing. In addition to sustained capex spending on 5G, these include a huge amount of technical debt, a punishing macroeconomic environment, regulation that hampers their ability to partner with each other, cultural issues related to virtualization and disaggregation of the network, a lack of software skills, and an increasing need for standardization. But even in the face of these obstacles, operators remain optimistic about their businesses, with a shared vision for addressing the challenges.

For the past five years, TM Forum's Digital Transformation Tracker has surveyed CSPs and their suppliers on IT operations and network transformation. In this webinar, we will unveil the findings of our seventh tracker (DTT7).

Join us to gain insights into:

  • Status and driving forces of digital transformation in telecoms
  • Which business models operators are adopting and their prospects for success in the future
  • Challenges presented by the gloomy macroeconomic environment for CSPs
  • CSPs' strategies for leveraging NaaS, CaaS, and intent-based automation to monetize 5G
  • Plans for achieving Level 4 Autonomous Networks by 2025.
  • Excitement and uncertainty surrounding generative AI for CSPs
  • Collaboration among Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and open-source groups