Securing modern telecom networks: how to begin your journey
An experience-based discussion between hackers and security experts about cloud-native and Open RAN network security at scale.
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Securing modern telecom networks: how to begin your journey
With the introduction of 5G, Open RAN and cloud infrastructure, telecom is facing the reality of latest attack surfaces and exposure to sophisticated external attack strategies.
Required defenses are relatively new to telecom but not new to other industries that have been securing open interfaces and cloud-native operations for many years.
Attend the webinar and hear directly from hackers and security experts how to best defend next-gen networks from modern attacks.
- Security challenges facing mobile network operators
- How hackers precisely target networks
- Recommendation on security strategy and implementation
- Practical approaches and required skill sets to ensure successful defense against security threats
John Carse
Karsten Nohl
Founder & Chief Scientist
Security Research Labs
Nagendra Bykampadi
Head of Security Architecture and Standards
Rakuten Symphony