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Technology and processes key to AI strategies

Romit Ghose, Senior Director, Product Management, TMT, ServiceNow, outlines how generative AI promises to completely transform the way CSPs carry out operations today.

18 Mar 2024

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Technology and processes key to AI strategies

Generative AI provides the capabilities for CSPs to leverage new opportunities including text-to-code, text-to-flow and knowledge article generation. But it also raises questions around privacy, data and guardrails, and which large language model (LLM) is right for which use case. Romit Ghose, Senior Director, Product Management, TMT, ServiceNow, says CSPs must first understand what implementing and productizing GenAI entails from a technology and process standpoint.

Romit Ghose

Romit Ghose

Sr. Director Product Management, TMT


Richard Webb

Richard Webb

Senior Analyst, Research & Media

TM Forum