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Engineering excellence: How to transform a telco: Frederik Van Hecke and Antonietta Mastroianni

Frederik Van Hecke, Partner of McKinsey and Antonietta Mastroianni, Chief Digital & IT Officer of Proximus discuss how engineering excellence can help transform a telco

17 Oct 2023

Engineering excellence: How to transform a telco: Frederik Van Hecke and Antonietta Mastroianni

INTERVIEW: Engineering excellence: How to transform a telco

  • Developing a plan to increase agility through closer integration between network and IT cloud operations
  • How can we merge functions and manage network and IT convergence most efficiently? What needs to be retained?
  • How can IT and network operations be bridged with intelligent automation?
Frederik Van Hecke

Frederik Van Hecke


Antonietta Mastroianni

Antonietta Mastroianni

Chief Digital and IT Officer
