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Deutsche Telekom looks beyond core services with B2C platform strategy

Laurent Donnay, Chief Information Officer for B2C at Deutsche Telekom, discusses the platform approach that underpins the operator’s B2C service strategy.

11 Oct 2023

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Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom looks beyond core services with B2C platform strategy

Deutsche Telekom has implemented a common platform for all consumer products and across all the European markets where it operates.

In this video, Laurent Donnay, Chief Information Officer for B2C at Deutsche Telekom, shares how the platform approach has enabled a sharp transformation in terms of cost reduction and revenue growth. The platform enables the operator to offer personalized services and establish partnerships to expand offerings beyond its core telco products.

Laurent Donnay

Laurent Donnay

Chief Engineering Officer DT

Deutsche Telekom

Joanne Taaffe

Joanne Taaffe

Editor in Chief, Inform

TM Forum