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CSPs step up adoption of GenAI

Sameer Vuyyuru, Global Head of Telco BDM at AWS, discusses how operators will increasingly implement GenAI use cases this year.

15 Mar 2024

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CSPs step up adoption of GenAI

CSPs have been exploring how they can apply AI, especially GenAI, in recent months and are particularly interested in understanding how they can use the technology to streamline their operations, generate new revenue and remake the consumer experience, according to Sameer Vuyyuru, Global Head of Telco BDM at AWS. In his view, GenAI use cases will start to go into production in the latter half of this year following a period of experimentation. However, he warned that the term GenAI is no panacea, and it is important for CSPs to understand the different ways in which it can be applied.

Sameer Vuyyuru

Sameer Vuyyuru

Director Global Business Development for Telecom

Amazon Web Services

Dean Ramsay

Dean Ramsay

Principal Analyst, Head of Research and Media

TM Forum