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AT&T simplifies its ecosystem for partners and developers with the help of ODA and TM Forum Open APIs

Nik Willetts and Jeremy Legg discuss how AT&T is accelerating its software development capabilities.

News Room
18 Sep 2023

AT&T simplifies its ecosystem for partners and developers with the help of ODA and TM Forum Open APIs

The AT&T network is becoming one where connectivity solutions will be increasingly digital and self-service in nature, as embedded capabilities are exposed and made accessible through network APIs to businesses and developers without the need for customers to have network expertise or additional infrastructure spend by the network.

AT&T aims to harness its network's power for their customers through Network APIs and the capabilities they enable, moving from a closed network system to an open one, unlocking new revenues and offering consistency for customers who operate across the globe.

Nik Willetts

Nik Willetts


TM Forum

Jeremy Legg

Jeremy Legg


AT&T Inc.