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stc reinvents customer experience on its fixed network

16 Sep 2022
stc reinvents customer experience on its fixed network

stc reinvents customer experience on its fixed network

stc embarked on a major data-driven customer experience management overhaul for its fixed network. New KPIs, experience insights and enriched dashboards are delivering customer benefits, helping stc contribute to Saudi Arabia’s 2030 vision and meet the operator’s ‘dare’ strategy to digitize, accelerate performance, reinvent experience, and expand scale and scope. stc partnered with Nokia and used TM Forum’s Customer Lifecycle Model to guide the transformation.


  • Reduction of 7% in fixed customer complaints
  • Reduction of 6% in repeat customer service calls
  • Improvement of 15% in fixed service activation success rate
Mohammed A. Alnumair, General Manager, Corporate Analytics Enablement
Mohammed A. Alnumair, General Manager, Corporate Analytics Enablement

While undertaking a customer experience management program is typical for mobile networks, it is less common for fixed networks, although demand is growing. As a leading operator in the region, it is a priority for Saudi Telecommunication Company (stc) to enhance broadband customer experience and quality of service, including for IoT devices, and to support the digital transformation targets of the Kingdom.

On its fixed network, stc had historically calculated customer experience manually using a limited set of KPIs, but this was cumbersome and time-consuming.

The operator needed better visibility to improve customer experience but lacked key insights such as historical and analytical information on past problems customers may have faced. In addition, it was hard to pinpoint the root causes of customer churn, not helped by data inconsistencies across operational support systems (OSS) and business support systems (BSS).

To address these issues, stc deployed Nokia’s Customer Insights for Fixed Services (Fixed CEM) solution. Customized for the operator’s specific needs, the solution enables stc to analyze the customer experience, proactively detect problems end users may be facing before they make any complaint, and easily understand any past issues a customer has faced with the help of historical data stored in the system.

The Nokia Fixed CEM solution integrates the touchpoints required to analyze customer journeys holistically. It includes a mediation layer that collects, aggregates, and processes the data from different sources to establish a consolidated view, based on TM Forum’s Customer Lifecycle Model. It incorporates the design of multiple customer journeys, data sources and dashboards for users to analyze the customer experience.

A machine learning-based customer experience index makes the most of stc’s network capabilities to measure new data points, including metrics for individual customers during various lifecycle phases.

By correlating different data sources across different network layers, operations and maintenance teams can now better understand and address the root causes for poor experiences and churn.

The solution is already showing measurable customer experience benefits which are expected to increase as the program advances.

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Training: Fundamentals of Customer Centricity

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  • Identify customer journeys and touchpoints 
  • Shift focus from technology to customer

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Customer Experience Management Solution Suite

  • Lifecycle metrics
  • Map customer journeys
  • Maturity model

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