Composite orchestration is the key to delivering hybrid services through NaaS architecture
Telstra wanted to integrate established service domains, like wireless and transport, while enabling the easy introduction of newer domains, such as cloud and SD-WAN. A major initiative used TM Forum’s Network as a Service (NaaS) framework to enable Ericsson’s composite orchestrator capability across multiple domains and vendors, to deliver low latency, simply integrated, network edge environments. Virtualization and consolidation of networks and services reduced time-to-market and delivery times for multi-domain services.
Ericsson’s orchestration approach has driven down operational costs using model-driven service templates, automated intent-based design and dynamic workflow. All this is possible because in NaaS’ architecture, operational domains publish their services to a catalog, perform lifecycle orchestration, service assurance and service level management, separating concerns and maintaining independence of service capabilities.
Service composition is defined in a declarative template in TOSCA format. Ericsson Ordering and Orchestration Manager automatically designs a service based on specified parameters such as latency, then instantiates, modifies or terminates the service using workflows dynamically generated from the service template. It also provides end-to-end management and visibility of services. Seamless view
The solution allows services to be defined, published and orchestrated via northbound TM Forum Open APIs. It also consumes atomic services via the same set of APIs in operational domains.
Now customers are offered products that combine the capabilities of operational domains, whereas in vertical architectures, products may not work in concert, and tend to overlap and compete in offers to customers. For example, Telstra is co-developing enterprise solutions with a major Australian construction company, using 5G, SD-WAN and edge computing, leveraging AI, robotics and AR1.
Closed-loop operation enables the composite domain to maintain the required service level throughout the service’s lifecycle, as conditions and capabilities change in the underlying domains.
Open APIs