The mind is the biggest block to digital society
Khoong Hock Yun is Assistant CEO of Singapore’s newly formed Info-Communications and Media Development Authority (IMDA). He gave a keynote speech on Wednesday at
TM Forum Live! Asia in which he talked about Singapore’s development as a smart nation. He explained the importance of a holistic approach in his keynote – for both the regulatory and development roles of the IMDA – a theme he develops further in this
video interview, conducted right after he left the stage.
He also suggests that the main blocks to digital development in smarSingapore, like everywhere else, are in people’s heads as they find change uncomfortable – so a clear explanation of the benefits is essential. And concludes, “The bigger the disruption, the bigger the benefit has to be, so we need to be very conscious of what the requirement is on the ground before we start work on things.”
TM Forum Live! Asia Keynote Interview: Khoong Hock Yun, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, IMDA from
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