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How much can you save with automated WiFi support for your subscribers?
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How much can you save with automated WiFi support for your subscribers?
Use the ISP Cost Savings Calculator to find out how much you could save on AHT, tech visits, call deflection and FCR.
WiFi issues are one of the biggest cost drivers for ISPs. Research shows that over 31% of ISP support calls are WiFi-related and up to 50% of unnecessary technician visits are for in-home network issues. With WiFi support calls costing almost USD$50 per call and tech visits coming in at around USD$130 each, these unnecessary WiFi-related costs add up fast—and they don’t stop there.
With 2023 planning underway and much uncertainty in the global economy, many ISPs are looking at automation to help them increase WiFi support efficiency and reduce costs by up to 30%. Use this cost savings calculator to identify the impact of in-home WiFi issues on your bottom line and how much you could save with automated WiFi support.